5 Surprisingly simple sustainability tips you can do at home
25 March 2024

If you are anything like me, you’re probably always looking for ways to make your home more sustainable. In fact, the only thing I love more than my home is the planet, which is everyone’s home. As a home wellness coach and environmentalist, finding ways to create homes that live lightly with the planet is my passion. Over the past five years, I have been trying new ways to reduce waste, reduce my greenhouse gas emissions and limit resource use.
Partnering with Hills for their summer clothesline campaign, I’m very excited to be sharing with you five surprisingly simple ways you can start making your home more sustainable right away!
1. Switch off your tumble dryer

The average machine drying cycle produces around 1.8kg of CO2. To put that figure into perspective, to offset a weekly load of tumble drying, the average Aussie home would need both their front and backyards covered in trees! For those of us in apartments and shared spaces, that kind of planting isn’t even an option. The great news is these emissions are completely avoidable. By simply switching off the tumble dryer and air drying your washing you can avoid 100s of kilograms of emissions. From the classic Rotary Hills clotheslines to airers you can pop on the balcony, there is no excuse to not make the switch right away. Hills have drying options to suit every space. PLUS, you will be doing your clothes a favour as well. Machine dryers are harsh on fabric, it’s like putting your jeans in a mincer. Avoiding the dryer will add more life to your wardrobe.
2. Wash your clothes less
Stop washing clothes just because they are on the floor. Many of us have a bad habit of over-washing our clothes, contributing to fabric wear and using unnecessary water. Instead, try giving your hardly worn clothes a little overnight air on your Hills clothesline or airer before returning them to your wardrobe. The fabric will last longer, you will save water, money and time.

3. Create seasonal weather rituals
Heating and cooling are the largest energy users in our homes, and as our climate changes, this trend will only continue. However, there are things you can do to reduce your energy consumption. Embrace the change in seasons and create seasonal weather rituals. Switch bedding to lighter waffle blankets in summer, opt for a fan over the AC, and add outdoor shade to remove direct heat. In winter, do the opposite, add extra blankets to sleeping and reading areas, open blinds to let in winter warmth and pop on an extra layer. These simple yet effective rituals will go far to making your home more sustainable.
4. Buy less
In Australia, each year we consume much more than the planet can replenish. Reducing the number of things we buy is a wonderful way to reduce our footprint on the planet. Take time to consider your purchases. Only buy items that will truly improve your life in some way. This may mean opting for higher quality products which might cost a few extra dollars up front, but in the long-term, you and the planet will be better off.
5. Avoid single-use items

Okay, so a few years back we ditched take-away coffee cups. Then we started carrying reusable bags to the supermarket – but that was just the start. Anywhere you can limit single-use plastic in your home, do it! Try shopping at bulk food stores filling jars with your day-to-day pantry supplies. Switch to shampoo bars and reusable razors. Say no to snacks wrapped in plastic. Hone your cooking skills and start making your own bread, cookies, hummus, even oat milk! Give it a go. Start small and aim high. Every little bit helps, do not underestimate your ability to influence a sustainable future.
So there you have it, five simple ways to make your home sanctuary just that little bit more sustainable. Now, each time you unfold your Hills airer, or peg socks on your rotary clothesline you can rest assured that you are not only making the most of the things you own but minimising your impact on the environment.